One New Class…and a Season Two

This Fall we will be offering two adult Sunday school classes that contribute to our balanced “diet” of Bible courses and practical aspects of living the Christian life. We’re excited to have teachers with a wide range of expertise to offer the following classes for the months of August and September. Find out more below!

Marriage Boot Camp: Walking Together in the Lord

River Oaks is blessed with numerous couples who have gotten married in recent years or are still somewhat “new” to the life of marriage. We are also blessed with couples who have been married for decades, seen the highs and lows, and learned some things along the way. In this 8-week series, we will provide a great opportunity to share wisdom and experience about various core topics in marriage. The schedule is below. This class is open to all (especially those who are married, engaged, or desiring marriage).

This class will meet in the Knox/Calvin rooms from 10:15-10:45am.

8/4Greg and Kate LanierBiblical picture of marriage and “submission”
8/11Cody and Courtney BrobstDivision of labor in the home
8/18Tom and Suzanne PickensHandling conflict
8/25Chip and Deb GregoryFamily worship & navigating the Lord’s Day
9/1Walt and Donna MorganNavigating in-law relationships
9/8Eric and Jennifer DuncanFinances & budgeting
9/15(No class)(SF 2.0 weekend)
9/22Dan and Jessie GudgelWork and life balance in marriage
9/29David and Gwen CameraSexual intimacy and family planning

Hebrews: Pressing Onward in Christ (Season 2)

Pastor Lanier and Pastor Brobst will continue our detailed study of Hebrews, covering chapters 6-13.

This class will meet in the worship center from 10:15-10:45am.