Caring for the Body of Christ

The Word of God calls Christians to “contribute to the needs of the saints” (Rom 12:13) and to “comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God” (2 Cor 1:4).

Our Deacons are particularly called to coordinate these efforts for the mutual upbuilding of the church. But they don’t work alone. They draw on the gifts and abilities of diaconal assistants* to help them in many vital ways. Find out more about each diaconate team below.

Mercy and Care

The Mercy and Care teams help meet the tangible needs of people within our local community and our congregation (respectively).

  • Find out more about the Mercy Team here.
    • Deacon liaison: Glenn Ballough
  • The Care Team looks after members and attenders of the church in times of crisis or life change. Assistance includes caring for widows, orphans, and others with special needs; visiting shut-ins; helping with transportation needs; caring for the recently divorced or those undergoing difficult life situations; coordinating meals for those in need; and visiting people in the hospital.
    • Team coordinator: Brenda Smith
    • Deacon liaison: Tyler Billingsley

Finances & Stewardship

Finances & Stewardship team focuses on ensuring the day-to-day financial health of the church (under leadership of the Elders) and helping church members cultivate biblical stewardship principles within their personal finances.

  • Deacon liaisons: Steve O’Dowd, Caleb Bancroft
  • Team members: Chip Gregory, Dale Pullis, David Taylor, Dennis Peters, Ben Rives
  • Elder liaison: Tom Pickens


The Facilities team oversees building maintenance and upkeep, church workdays, and safety practices and procedures.

  • Deacon liaisons: Don Kennedy, Gary Roth
  • Team members: Ross O’Dowd, Daniel Osmolski

If you are interested in serving as a diaconal assistant on these teams, contact the church office.


* “Diaconal assistants” are non-ordained/non-elected men and women who serve the church in a variety of vital ways. (Our Book of Church Order 9-7 reads: “It is often expedient that the Session of a church should select and appoint godly men and women of the congregation to assist the deacons in caring for the sick, the widows, the orphans, the prisoners, and others who may be in any distress or need.”)