Sunday School for the Second Quarter

This Spring we will be offering two adult Sunday school classes that touch on core theological topics. Our philosophy of Adult Ed at River Oaks is to provide a balanced “diet” of classes that cover Bible, theology, and contemporary issues (like our recent class on apocryphal gospels). We’re excited to have teachers with a wide range of expertise to offer the following classes for the months of April and May. Find out more below!

Missions: Biblical Foundations and Practical Application

River Oaks Church supports several missionaries around the world. But why? What is the biblical rationale for global missions? How has missions been done throughout church history? Moreover, it is easy to think that mission work is only for the elite Christians–but is that really true? If I am asked to support a missionary, how should I evaluate that decision wisely? What should I do if I feel called into missions?

Join Pastor Lanier as we study all these questions (and more) about world missions.

This class will meet in the worship center from 10:15-10:45am.

Prayer: Communing with the Lord as He Taught Us

Most of us probably feel like we should pray more than we actually do. But why…and how? What is the purpose of prayer, and what does it look like to pray more effectively? Join our team of teachers (Ben Shaw, John Montgomery, Levi Berntson, Steven Seal, and Cade Horton) for an in-depth study of the discipline of prayer, using the Westminster Shorter Catechism questions 98-107 (on the Lord’s Prayer) as a guide.

This class will meet in the Knox/Calvin rooms from 10:15-10:45am.