Sunday School for the First Quarter
To begin the new year, we will be offering two adult Sunday school classes that touch on topics of interest in the Christian life. Our philosophy of Adult Ed at River Oaks is to provide a balanced “diet” of classes that cover Bible (like our recent 62-week series on Luke!), theology, and contemporary issues. We’re excited to have teachers with a wide range of expertise to offer these classes for the first three months of 2024. Find out more below!
“Jesus’ Fan Fiction”: Apocryphal Gospels & the Real Jesus
Ever heard of the “Gospel of Thomas”? Ever wondered why it is not in our Bibles and what it’s all about? Regularly you will read on the internet that early church bishops burned these books and “chose” the four Gospels we have–and that these hidden books tell the “real” story of Jesus. But is this true? And what should we make of these non-canonical stories about Jesus? Are they dangerous? Are they true? How can we navigate them so that you come away with stronger confidence in the Gospels we consider inspired?
Join Pastor Lanier as we study a variety of early Christian books about Jesus that fall outside the fourfold Gospel canon.
This class will meet in the worship center from 10:15-10:45am.
The Reformation: Season 1

River Oaks is a “Reformed” church. But what does that mean? What is the Protestant Reformation, and why does it matter? Who were the major figures, what were the debates, and how does it impact our church today?
Join Levi Bernston, Ben Shaw, Steven Seal, Jack Trimble, and Cade Horton for an in-depth but lively study of the ins-and-outs of this seminal period of time in the history of the world. In “Season 1,” we will cover the period from Luther (1517) through John Calvin (1564). Later in 2024 we will pick up where we left off with other parts of the Reformation in Europe and England. Even if you’re not a history buff, you will enjoy this class!
This class will meet in the Knox/Calvin rooms from 10:15-10:45am.