Connecting the Dots

This post marks the beginning of a new way for Joel (our Director of Family Ministries) to connect with the parents and youth who are involved in River Oaks’s student ministries. We hope this monthly resource will be a valuable way for everyone at ROC to “connect the dots” within the life of our covenant community.

In this update, you will find information about…

  • Our Spring semester study
  • Summer camps for 2019
  • Mental health resources in light of the recent tragic events at LMHS

This Semester’s Study Plan

This year the youth group has been working through this Redemptive-Historical Bible Reading Plan together. Each week Joel will teach on a selection from the section that we are on and then in the small group time the students will have time to share with one another what they learned from one of the other chapters in that section during the week.

This will help build our bible study skills together while also providing the encouragement and accountability for students to be reading during the week!

After Spring break, we will resume on March 27th with section 10 of the reading plan

Summer Camps 2019

Summer is swiftly approaching and it’s time to start planning for camp! If your student is interested in attending contact Joel now so we can get a headcount and add these dates to your calendar.

  • Middle School Summer Camp: July 15-19
    @Camp Kulaqua, High Springs, FL. Cost $385

Mental Health Resources

In light of the recent tragic suicide of a student at Lake Mary High School, we want to make sure that our parents and students are equipped to deal with mental health challenges and to support others who are struggling.

Through these resources from the National Association of School Psychologists you can get some tips for parents and educators and tips for students to be able to help others.

Information is only a start, though, and recognizing the warning signs is only helpful when you use that as an opportunity to reach out and offer support. We want to be the kind of community that lovingly reaches out to those who are struggling and to be a safe place for people to ask for help.

If you are struggling with these issues or just need help learning how to talk with your kids about these topics, please contact me (Joel), whether by phone, email or in person at the church office. As someone with training in these matters as a Licensed Mental Health Counselor my desire is to be a help to our church family not just through formal counseling but as an equipping resource as we wrestle through the challenges of life together as a community.