Week of June 26

Sunday Worship We will continue our Ecclesiastes series (Striving After the Wind) with Ecclesiastes 1:12-2:26 Adult Sunday school will continue the Luke series with Luke 9:10-17 (the feeding of the five thousand) Children who attended VBS are invited to participate in singing a song during the 9am and 11am services Read more…

Week of June 19

Sunday Worship We will start our new Ecclesiastes sermon series called Striving After the Wind, with Ecclesiastes 1:1-11 Adult Sunday school will continue the Luke series with Luke 9:1-10, the sending of the Twelve The final collection day for the Baby Bottle Campaign is this Sunday VBS Week Is Here! Read more…

Week of June 12

Sunday Worship We will complete our sermon series, Standing Firm, with 2 Thessalonians 3:6-17 Adult Sunday school will continue the Luke series with the healing of Jairus’s daughter and the woman with bleeding in Luke 8 VBS Prep Week! If you would like to help with 2022 Zoomerang VBS, please Read more…

Week of June 5

Sunday Worship We will continue our sermon series, Standing Firm, with 2 Thessalonians 3:1-5 We will be celebrating the Lord’s Supper together ROCK will be available in the 2nd service only for pre-K The Deacons’ Offering will be collected Adult Sunday school will continue the Luke series with the calming Read more…

Week of May 29

Sunday Worship We will continue our sermon series, Standing Firm, with 2 Thessalonians 2:13-17 During the adult Sunday School, we will be having a special lesson in honor of Memorial Day with retired soldiers Gene Smith and John Armstrong. You don’t want to miss it! VBS Donation Opportunity Preparations for Read more…

Week of May 22

Sunday Worship We will continue our sermon series, Standing Firm, with 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 (looking at the “man of lawlessness”) A celebration of Pastor Camera’s Doctorate of Ministry will be held during Sunday School (10:15 – 10:45 am) Youth and children’s Sunday School will be offered as normal (as a Read more…

Week of May 15

Sunday Worship We will continue our sermon series, Standing Firm, with 2 Thessalonians 1:5-12 Sunday school will continue our study of the Gospel of Luke, studying the parable of the sower It’s Move Up Sunday! Children will celebrate their graduation from Pre-K ROCK and ROCK during their class time. Everyone Read more…

Week of May 8

Sunday Worship We will start our new sermon series, Standing Firm, with 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4 Sunday school will continue our study of the Gospel of Luke, studying how to approach parables The Children’s Ministry is starting a new 3-year cycle of The Gospel Project curriculum in Genesis 1 Baby Bottle Read more…

Week of May 1

Sunday Worship We will finish our sermon series, Proclaiming the Resurrection, with Acts 17:16-34 We will be partaking of the Lord’s Supper in both services As such, ROCK will only be available for pre-K in the 2nd service Sunday school will continue our study of the Gospel of Luke, looking Read more…

Week of April 17

Sunday Worship We will continue our Holy Week sermon series, Proclaiming the Resurrection, with Acts 5:17-42. Join us for time of fellowship from 10:15-10:45 am between services. (No formal Sunday School will be offered this week.) Holy Week Service Times! Good Friday Service, April 15 We will hold a special Read more…

Week of April 10

Sunday Worship We will continue our Holy Week sermon series, Proclaiming the Resurrection, with Acts 3:1-26. Sunday School will discuss Chapters 22 and 23 of the book Gentle & Lowly completing our series, A Heart of Humility. (Books are available at the Welcome Center.) Mercy Team Service Project! The Mercy Read more…

Week of April 3

Sunday Worship We will continue our new Holy Week sermon series, Proclaiming the Resurrection, with Acts 2: 22-41. We will be partaking of the Lord’s Supper in both services. ROCK will be available in the 2nd service for pre-K only. We will be collecting our Deacons’ Offering. Sunday School will Read more…

Week of March 27

Sunday Worship We will start our new Holy Week sermon series, Proclaiming the Resurrection, with Acts 1:1-11. Sunday School will discuss Chapters 18 and 19 of the book Gentle & Lowly continuing our series, A Heart of Humility. (Books are available at the Welcome Center.) Church Work Day! We will Read more…

Week of March 20

Sunday Worship We will continue our series Genuine Christianity with 1 Thessalonians 5: 12-28. Sunday School will discuss Chapters 16 and 17 of the book Gentle & Lowly continuing our series, A Heart of Humility. (Books are available at the Welcome Center.) Women’s Spring Event All ladies are invited to Read more…

Week of March 13

Sunday Worship We will continue our series Genuine Christianity with 1 Thessalonians 5: 1-11. Sunday School will discuss Chapters 14 and 15 of the book Gentle & Lowly continuing our series, A Heart of Humility. (Books are available at the Welcome Center.) Register for VBS! We’re going down under for Read more…

Week of March 6

Sunday Worship We will continue our series Genuine Christianity with 1 Thessalonians 4: 13-18. We will be partaking of the Lord’s Supper together in both services. As such, it will be a family Sunday, and ROCK will only be available in the 2nd service for Pre-K. We will also be Read more…

Week of February 20

Sunday Worship We will continue our series Genuine Christianity with 1 Thessalonians 4: 1 – 8. Parental alert: This passage is “PG-13” and discusses sexual immorality. Please read it ahead of time to determine how best to handle it with your children. Contact Joel to discuss options if you feel it is too Read more…

Week of February 13

Sunday Worship We will continue our series Genuine Christianity with 1 Thessalonians 3:6 – 13. Sunday School will discuss Chapter 8 and 9 of the book Gentle & Lowly continuing our series, A Heart of Humility. (Books are available at the Welcome Center.) Construction has begun! Please read our construction Read more…