Does Your Child Profess Faith?
If so, they may be ready to take the step towards becoming full communing members at River Oaks.
River Oaks will be offering a Communicants Class during the Sunday school time (10:15-10:45am) on August 6, 13, 20, and 27 (in Pastor Camera’s office).
What is Communicants Class?
While children of believers are considered part of the visible church, they are “non-communing members” (do not participate in the Lord’s Supper) until they personally own and profess faith in Jesus.
To assist parents in leading their children through this ownership of faith, we want to provide training for the children of River Oaks’s members so that they clearly understand the gospel, their relationship to God, and what God is doing in this world through His Church.
That’s why we provide Communicants Class (it’s like a new members class for kids).
If you’re a parent and you believe your child is at a point where they are able to grasp the gospel and you would like them to participate in this upcoming class please contact Jane O’Dowd.