Two classes to choose from!
For June, July, and August, we are excited to offer (for the first time using our new building space) two adult Sunday school classes! Both will take place during the Sunday school time (10:15-10:45am), so you can take your pick. Find out the details below!
Foundations of the Faith: The Apostles’ Creed
At ROC we recite the Apostles’ Creed multiple times a year, but have you ever paused to reflect on what each statement means? The Creed provides a helpful summary of the essentials of the Christian faith, providing the basics of what unites all branches of the true church together. Join Pastor Shaw, Levi Berntson, Oto Tabares, Jack Trimble, and Gary Roth for an accessible, “newbie-friendly” introduction to the Apostles’ Creed that serves as an overview of the basics of the Christian faith.
This class will meet in the Wycliffe Room.
“The End is Near”: Eschatology 101

Hardly a year goes by without a best-selling book, movie, or TV show dealing with the end-times. An older generation grew up with Left Behind and Kirk Cameron. Newer generations grow up with The Last of Us and Greta Thunberg. But the end result is the same: most people are fascinated with “the end.” But what does the Bible really teach about “eschatology”? Join Pastor Lanier for a detailed overview of the biblical teaching on the “last things.”
This class takes place in the worship center.