From Egypt to Promised Land
It would be very hard to overestimate the importance of the book of Exodus in the Bible. It is an epic story of equally epic significance. Exodus recounts some of the greatest events in the history of redemption— from the plagues and Passover Lamb, to the crossing of the Red Sea, the giving of the Law of Moses at Mt. Sinai all culminating in the construction of the Tabernacle for a holy, covenant God to dwell in the midst of His redeemed people.
Exodus tells the story of God’s faithfulness to His promises to Abraham through the redemption of the Israelites from bondage in Egypt to worship in His presence.
Aug-Dec 2024 | Exodus 1-12 |
Jan 2025 | Exodus 13-15 |
Feb | Exodus 16-19 |
Mar/Apr | Exodus 20 (Ten Commandments) |
Apr 13-20 | Holy week series |
Reflection Questions
The questions below are great to use in a small group or for personal application. Click on the graphic to open a document with questions for each sermon.