Wednesday Evening: Genesis

We will be studying Nancy Guthrie’s, Promised One: Seeing Jesus in Genesis. This book compliments our Sunday morning corporate gatherings where we are also working our way through Genesis in the sermon series. However, Nancy Guthrie’s study has particular purpose — helping us to find Jesus in the Old Testament! Even though Genesis was written LONG before Jesus was born, its characters and events point to the coming promised Messiah. In fact, Jesus declared that Genesis was ultimately about Him when He said in Luke 24:27: “And beginning with Moses and the Prophets (the whole Old Testament) he interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself.”

  • September through December on Wednesdays from 6 – 7:30 pm. This study will run from January 16th through April 3rd.
  • Location: Large Sunday school classroom.
  • Required materials: The Promised One: Seeing Jesus in Genesis. Cost: about $16 available through Amazon. Or it can be ordered for you by emailing Gwen Camera here.
  • Free childcare available

Thursday Morning: Gender and Sexuality

During this study, we will go deeper on the topics covered in Adult Sunday School in the Seeking Clarity: The Gospel, Gender, and Sexuality series. We will look at the previous Sunday lesson each Thursday. For more details or to sign up, please click here or email Susan Cooper directly. 

  • Start Date: August 30th
  • Location: Large Sunday school classroom
  • Required materials: None
  • Free childcare available