Going Deeper

Two exciting women’s Bible studies this fall will provide an opportunity for members, visitors, and friends of River Oaks to grow in their love for the Lord through the study of his Word together. Women of all ages are invited to join in. Find out more below about our Wednesday and Thursday studies!

Wednesday Evening: Sermon on the Mount

We will be studying the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) using a Bible study guide by Jen Wilken. The Sermon on the Mount is the longest continuous speech of Jesus Christ recorded in the Bible. It contains some of his most beloved teachings, such as the Beatitudes, the Lord’s Prayer, the “Golden Rule,” and more.

In focusing on what it means to live in the kingdom of God, the sermon asks of us the same questions it posed to its original hearers: How should a disciple relate to sin? To others? To the Law of God? How does a disciple think, speak, and act? What is the nature of true righteousness? We’re excited to study it together to grow as followers of Jesus, the great king.

  • Date/time: August 28 through November 13, from 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm.
  • Location: Large Sunday school classroom.
  • Study Guide: The Sermon on the Mount (Jen Wilkin). Cost: $16 available through Amazon
  • Videos: We will send out links to videos led by Jen Wilkin for each study, so that you can watch them on your own.
  • Free childcare available
  • Contact: Abbie Shimer
Find out more about the study and author

Thursday Morning: 1 Samuel

Who is your king? The Old Testament talks a lot about the king of God’s people, Israel. This is especially true in 1 Samuel, which focuses on the rise of King David. But what does this book have to say to us today? Join us for this study using 1 Samuel: Choose Your King (by Tim Chester) to explore what it means to live under the kingship of Jesus Christ.

It will be a refreshing time of studying God’s Word together that will be accessible to all women, no matter what your background knowledge may be about the Bible.

  • Date/time: August 29 through November 14, from 11:00 am – 12:00 noon.
  • Location: Large Sunday school classroom.
  • Study Guide: 1 Samuel: Choose Your King (Tim Chester). Cost: $8 available through Amazon
  • Free childcare available
  • Contact: Susan Cooper
Find out more about the study and author
  • Video by Tim Chester about his larger 1 Samuel book