The Free Gospel

We invite you to join us for a study on the book of Galatians using the 13-week study titled Galatians: The Free Gospel of Grace, by Jon Nielson. This is a time to pray, study alongside other women, dig into the Word, learn from one another, and build relationships. The study is open to all women, regardless of your background with the Bible.

We will continue building on the skills learned in our Spring study, Old Made New, by reading through a New testament book (Galatians) that makes frequent use of the Old Testament.

Books are available at the church Welcome Center for an optional $10 donation. You can also sign up for the study at the Welcome Center or by emailing

Details: Two Meeting Options

We are excited to be offering two in-person meeting options. Both options will be going through the same study, you can choose whichever time works best for you. View the weekly schedule here.

Wednesday Evening, 6:00–7:30 pm

  • Kicks off August 16, runs for 15 weeks
  • Location: River Oaks, the Spurgeon Room
  • Free childcare available
  • Food is available as part of ROC On Wednesday, beginning at 5:00pm. You can pay for dinner here.

Thursday Morning, 10:30 am–12:00 pm

  • Kicks off August 24, runs for 13 weeks
  • Location: River Oaks, the Spurgeon Room