Studying the Earliest Church

We invite you to join us for a study on the book of Acts during the fall term. This is a time to pray, study alongside other women, dig into the Word, learn from one another, and build relationships. The study is open to all women, regardless of your background with the Bible.

Acts follows the early movement of Jesus’s disciples as they spread the gospel from Jerusalem, through Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth (symbolized by Paul’s arrival in Rome in the final chapter). All along the way, they face Spirit-enabled triumphs as well as setbacks and oppositions–including many situations that are remarkably similar to what we experience today. All along, the ascended Jesus Christ guides his church to accomplish his mission.

Journal books and study guides are available for a $5 donation. You can also sign up for the study at the Welcome Center or by emailing

Details: Two Meeting Options

We are excited to be offering two in-person meeting options. Both options will be going through the same study, you can choose whichever time works best for you. View the flyer here.

Wednesday Evening, 6:00–7:30 pm

Thursday Morning, 10:30 am–12:00 pm