Resourcing You!
With the restructuring of our children’s and youth ministries into “family ministry” comes a desire for us as a church to grow in how we nurture our covenant children of all ages. This is the first installment of what will be a monthly update aimed at helping provide resources and updates to our ministry team and parents. We’re in this together!
For Teachers

- We are nearing the end of our first unit of the Gospel Project curriculum, focusing on the story of Genesis from creation up through the Tower of Babel. Thank you to all the teachers who have test-piloted the new curriculum and provided feedback!
- The transition to the new online scheduling tool (contact Joel or Jenn for the link) has gone well. Please continue to use it regularly: let’s keep that schedule full!
- The Gospel Project provides teacher training videos that are an excellent way for you to continue growing as a teacher. Check out these videos for Unit 1
- Be sure to check out the Gospel Project app by LifeWay
- If you missed the February 2 team training, contact Joel and he will send you a link to the video
For Parents
- Process updates: You have probably noticed that all teachers are now wearing nametags (to enhance security). Also, all parents must abide by the check-in/check-out process using the printed nametags. This is to ensure our children’s ministry is as safe as possible.
- Curriculum: In January and February we have been working through the first several chapters of Genesis in nursery, Sunday school, and ROCK. Click on the image to the right to get a feel for our curriculum. We hope that the handouts the teachers are providing will be beneficial for you as you seek to grow in the area of family worship and discussing the faith with your children.
- Handbook: We have a new Children’s Ministry Handbook that covers our ministry philosophy, team/classroom structure, and safety protocols. Every parent should give it a read to make sure you understand what your children’s teachers are doing week-to-week!
- Watch this video from the Gospel Project explaining how the curriculum will seek to instill in our children how to understand Scripture as “one story that changes everything”