ROC … but on Wednesdays!
On September 15, we launched River Oaks Church on Wednesdays. For short, it’s called ROC ON!
This mid-week program is part of River Oaks Church’s larger vision for fellowship and biblical teaching opportunities for all ages on Wednesday night. ROC ON evenings will kick-off with a dinner served from 5:00 – 6:00 p.m. followed by the different programs from 6:00 – 7:30 p.m.
ROC ON Programs
- Dinner – Food will be available in the welcome center beginning at 5:00 (as long as supplies last). First time free! After that, $3 per person and a maximum of $10 per family. You can pay online here. We will strive to have a variety of options – it won’t be just pizza every week!
- Ages 0-4 – Childcare will be provided in the church nursery with qualified sitters. Please reserve your spot in the nursery here.
- Ages 5-11 (Kindergarten to 5th grade) – The ROC ON Kids program will be held in the large room in the church office building. (The room where the current grade 3-5 Sunday School meets.) Children will join together for fellowship, worship, crafts, games and bible memorization. If your child wants to participate, please sign up here!
- Youth (ages 11-18, 6th grade to 12th grade) – The youth program will continue to meet as usual in the main worship space. Students are encouraged to grab their food and come right in for fellowship to maintain the usual youth schedule which starts with fellowship at 5:00. For more information about the youth program, please contact
- Woman’s Bible Study – The women of ROC will be studying 1-3 John in the large Sunday School room in the main building. For more information on the study click here. Please RSVP at the sign-up at the welcome counter or by email to
Please make sure to RSVP or contact your group before September 15. Thank you!
For more information about any program, please email