Is Jesus Truly God?

Every Christian knows that the answer to that question is “yes.” The full deity of Jesus is firmly established in the earliest creeds of the Church, such as the Nicene Creed (AD 325). But can you say why you believe the answer is “yes”? Do you know where in Scripture you’d go to prove that answer? John 1? Yes — but anywhere else?

This short book by our own associate pastor, Greg Lanier, aims to equip you with a robust answer to the question. It releases in a couple weeks with Crossway Publishers and can be pre-ordered on Amazon or Christian Book. Or ROC folks can register below for a chance to win a free copy before it hits the market.

Learn More

Watch this short video to learn more about the book!

Win a Free Copy!

The drawing was completed on July 27. The winners were:

  1. Lou and Carolyn Baksa
  2. Nicole Gallagher
  3. Roberta Watt

Thanks to all who participated!

Categories: Equipping