As a Ransom for Many
Good Friday and Easter are at the very heart of the Christian Faith and for good reason. On Good Friday we remember that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, fulfilled His mission to serve sinners by giving His life as ransom on the Cross. Jesus came on a rescue mission to redeem us from the enslaving power of our sin and the curse of death, God’s judgment against our sin. He served us, by offering His life as a payment to satisfy the debt we owe to God’s justice. But Good Friday is incomplete without the victory of Easter Sunday. Easter is the vindication of Good Friday. In other words, Easter, Christ’s victory over death, demonstrates His Good Friday work was effective. The curse of death, not just physical death, but also separation from God, has been satisfied. Jesus rose from the dead and will never die again. Finally, He ascended into heaven as a demonstration that He has accomplished reconciliation with God.
So please plan to join us on Sunday mornings as we seek to understand, embrace, celebrate and proclaim Jesus as the Victorious Servant.