Finishing Strong, Looking Ahead

As we wrap up the school year and look toward the summer we want to make sure you are aware of all the opportunities for ministry and connection coming up!

In this update, you will find out about…

  • Our large group wrap-up
  • MS and HS summer camps
  • Summer events
  • “The Roundup” (top 3 youth-oriented articles we’ve seen recently)

Large Group Wrap-Up

It’s been a great semester working through the Redemptive-Historical Bible Reading Plan together. It is our prayer that the discussions we’ve had will strengthen each student’s ability to read and understand Scripture in light of the whole storyline of the Bible and the fulfillment of God’s promises in Jesus.

We will continue with our reading plan for May 1st, 8th, and 15th and finish out regular meetings with an end of school year party on May 22nd .

The end of regular Wednesday night meetings doesn’t mean the end of the fun though! Read on for more on our summer plans!

Summer Camps 2019

Courtesy of Camp Kulaqua

It’s not too late to sign up for this year’s camps. In fact, you still have time to register at the early bird cost. Feel free to contact Joel with any questions you may have.

However, we are in need of more adult leaders in order to attend camp at all! If you are available during the dates for either camp and are willing to serve, please contact Joel to set up a time to talk more about getting involved with the team.

  • High School Summer Camp: June 28-July 3
    @Whitewater Express, Cleveland, TN. Cost $290 ($265 before 5/28)
  • Middle School Summer Camp: July 15-19
    @Camp Kulaqua, High Springs, FL. Cost $390 ($365 before 6/11)

Paperwork and release forms: Please print, complete, and return the forms appropriate for your camp to Joel (or you can ask him for paper copies).

Summer Events

Volunteer for VBS!

The first exciting event of the summer is our Vacation Bible School! VBS is a great way for the whole family to be involved in a great outreach to our community as we teach kids from our church and our neighborhood about Jesus! Check out the VBS page for more info and to sign up.

In addition to VBS and summer camps, the youth team is hard at work planning several awesome events throughout the summer to provide opportunity for our students to fellowship with one another, for families to interact and for the whole River Oaks family to connect together!

Stay tuned for a complete calendar of events in the near future.

The Roundup

Rooted is one of the best youth-oriented, Christ-focused websites out there. Check it out!

Here are some of the top articles we’ve seen recently that deal with Christian discipleship from the perspective of teenagers and their families. Everyone in the church is invited to read these as a way to learn how we can help our young people navigate life!