Music Ministry
Though God has blessed our church with phenomenal musicians, we believe the main instrument during our times of song is the congregation, not the music team. We believe Scripture calls all Christians, young and old, to “sing songs, hymns, and spiritual songs” (Eph 5:19) to one another as an integral part of our corporate worship. To that end, our music team aims to facilitate the glorifying of God — not the musicians themselves — in our singing.
We welcome children of all ages during our times of corporate singing, to help model for them how to make a joyful noise unto the Lord.
To get a feel for what our music ministry is like on a Sunday morning, listen to a few of the samples below. If you are interested in being a part of the team, contact our Director of Corporate Worship.
Hospitality Ministries
Our Sunday morning gathering for worship could not happen without a host of other servant-hearted individuals who greet newcomers, care for our music team, and supply us all with caffeine!

- The Welcome Team aims to be the first friendly faces you will see when you visit our church. The team greets visitors and members at the door, ensures the chairs have sufficient Bibles, hands out bulletins, staffs the welcome desk where important church information may be found, and assists newcomers with finding their way (children’s check-in, restrooms, coffee, etc.).
- The Coffee Team prepares our coffee and morning snacks for both services. This ministry does more than just provide us with a cup of coffee. It helps members and newcomers catch up with friends or make new ones during the times before and after our worship services.
If you are interested in joining any of these teams. contact the church office.
River Oaks Church is covered under Christian Copyright Licensing International (CCLI) as follows:
- Copyright license 402896, size C
- Rehearsal license CRL060058, size C
- Streaming license 20298831, size C