Puerto Supe, Peru

Cesar and Grace Cubas are missionaries in Puerto Supe, Peru, serving with South American Mission (SAM). Cesar is of Peruvian descent and came to know Jesus as a young man through the outreach of a missionary to Peru. He later met Grace when she was serving as a missionary. They have been serving together with SAM since 1980.

The Cubases minister at Comunidad Cristiana de Puerto Supe, where they work to shepherd the congregation to engage their small but vibrant community with the gospel of Christ. In particular they work with low-income people to bring them to Christ and disciple them to reflect Jesus in their lives, to serve others, and to see the community—including local and regional leaders—characterized by justice and accountability. They also aim to help the church and community toward self-sustaining, profitable, family-run businesses.

Where They Serve

Puerto Supe is a small harbor town on the coast of Peru, roughly 120 miles north of Lima (the capital city). It is home to roughly 28,000 people and has one of the oldest archaeological sites in the Americas, El Áspero.

About SAM

South American Mission is an international missions agency based in South Carolina that focuses on fostering churches in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Paraguay, and Peru. It was founded by Joseph and Mabel Davis in 1914. Find out more about SAM by watching the following brief video overview:

How You Can Pray

  • Bible studies: recently the Cubases have focused on simple Bible study groups within the church, so pray that all the people involved will be transformed by God’s word. In particular, please can pray for the daily women’s Bible study that is reading through the Gospels
  • Theological education: Grace and Cesar are working with two women on an ETE (Theological Education by Extension) course
  • Mentoring: the Cubases are discipling two new believers
  • Youth group: the Cubases are working with two other churches to reinvigorate the youth group
A recent birthday celebration for one of the youth at Grace and Cesar’s church
Celebrating the 5th anniversary of their church (Comunidad Cristiana)