Lee and Sarah Wright serve with Reformed University Fellowship (RUF) on the campus of UCF (Orlando, FL). Lee is an ordained pastor in the Presbyterian Church in America, and he focuses is on ministering to college students as an extension of the local church. His team leads weekly worship services as well as Bible studies for male and female students. The Wrights (with their children Tillie, Margot, and Max) also spend a lot of time hosting students in their home, showing them the love of Christ through hospitality.

The Wrights seek to present the hope and love of Christ to students all along the spectrum: to be a place where Christian students can continue growing in their faith during college…to help those struggling with doubt…and to reach those who are interested in the gospel but do not know where to start…and everywhere along the way.

The Wrights worship at University Presbyterian Church (but occasionally visit ROC).

Where They Serve

The University of Central Florida is regularly listed as one of the largest universities in the country, with roughly 70,000 students on campus. It opened in 1968 as Florida Technical University but changed its name in 1978. It offers around 200 degree programs. It has become more well-known in recent years due to the success of its football team.

About RUF

Reformed University Fellowship is the campus ministry of the PCA (ROC’s denomination). It focuses on resourcing nearly 200 private and public universities with ordained ministers who serve among students, staff, and faculty. The typical RUF ministry focuses on the following:

  • Large group meetings for teaching, worship and fellowship
  • Small group Bible studies for connecting and deeper study
  • One-on-one meetings with the campus minister, campus staff, interns, or student leadership
  • Conferences both regional and national
  • Service opportunities for reaching out to those in need

RUF also has an international arm that serves on campuses around the world. Find out more about RUF’s summer outreach to college students with this short video.

How You Can Pray

  • Support raising to get their RUF account in a healthier place heading into the 2019-2020 academic/ministry year
  • On-ramping of a new RUF staff member who will join the team in the fall, named Emily Plattner
  • Praise for a strong team of student leaders who have faithfully served during the past year
  • Gospel growth during and after SuCo (summer conference) (see video above)
  • Preparations for the fall semester, including reconnecting with current students and reaching incoming students
(See if you can spot ROC’s own Owen Camera…he’s somewhat obvious with the pink shirt!)