“Our Father in heaven…”

Throughout both Old and New Testaments, the people of God are called to offer our prayers and petitions to him. We pray boldly in the name of Jesus, who stands ready to intercede for us (Rom 8:34). And we pray by the urging of the Holy Spirit, who searches our hearts for our deepest longings that we may not even have words to express (Rom 8:26-27).

The River Oaks prayer team meets weekly on Thursday mornings to pray for the needs of our church body. It’s not flashy. It doesn’t get a lot of press. But the team believes that God hears and answers faithful prayer. Come out to join us any time, starting at 10:00 am in the church building.

Submit a Prayer Request

Would you like the team to be in prayer for you? Feel free to fill out the simple form below, and your request will be sent directly to the team. Of course, your privacy will be held in utmost respect.