Continue in the Word!
Though we continue to do most of church life online, there’s at least one silver lining. Normally our Spring Bible studies would wrap up in April, but we are going to extend them with two six-week studies for the women and men of ROC. Both will take place from 6:00-7:30pm via Zoom on Wednesday nights, beginning April 29! Find out the details below.
Women’s Study: 1 Peter
The ladies’ group will be studying the epistle of 1 Peter using a study guide by Juan Sanchez, Living Well on the Way Home. ROC will pick up the cost of the book for participants. We will go deeper in studying this important letter to understand how to apply God’s Word to our lives.
- Date/time: Wednesday from 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm, April 29 – June 10
- Location: Online via Zoom
- Teachers: Abbie Shimer and Susan Cooper
- RSVP: To be included on the list to receive the Zoom meeting details, email Abbie Shimer or check the ROC private FB page
Men’s Study: Prayer
The men’s group will study the how and why behind the Christian calling to live a life of prayer. We will use a 6-week study guide by Tony Payne, Bold I Approach. ROC will pick up the cost of the book for participants.
- Date/time: Wednesday from 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm, April 29 – June 10
- Location: Online via Zoom
- Teachers: David Camera, Zach McIntosh, and Greg Lanier
- RSVP: To be included on the list to receive the Zoom meeting details, email Zach McIntosh or check the ROC private FB page