Going Deeper

Two exciting women’s Bible studies in 2020 will provide an opportunity for members, visitors, and friends of River Oaks to grow in their love for the Lord through the study of his Word together. Women of all ages are invited to join in. Find out more below about our Wednesday and Thursday studies!

Wednesday Evening: Joshua

We will be studying the book of Joshua using a Bible study guide by Jen Wilken. The book of Joshua shows us how God carries his people, in their highs and sinful lows, into the promised land through the leadership of Joshua. We will go deeper in studying this important book to understand how to apply God’s Word to our lives.

  • Date/time: January 15 through April 15, from 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm.
  • Location: Large Sunday school classroom.
  • Study Guide: Every Good Promise Fulfilled (Jen Wilkin). Free (materials will be provided by ROC).
  • Free childcare available
  • Contact: Abbie Shimer

Thursday Morning: 2 Samuel

We will complete our study of the two-volume book of Samuel (we covered 1 Samuel in Fall 2019) by studying 2 Samuel. It details the ups and downs of David’s latter years and the rise of Solomon. We will explore what it means to live under king David’s greater son, King Jesus!

It will be a refreshing time of studying God’s Word together that will be accessible to all women, no matter what your background knowledge may be about the Bible.

  • Date/time: January 9 through April 16, from 11:00 am – 12:00 noon.
  • Location: Large Sunday school classroom.
  • Study Guide: None. We will study the biblical text and discuss it. 
  • Free childcare available
  • Contact: Susan Cooper