Getting Back Together!

We are super excited to be finally getting back to meeting in person on Wednesday nights starting this September 16. Although we are thankful for the technology that’s enabled us to stay connected digitally, it is not quite the same as really being together, we have missed seeing your faces week to week!


Our series this Fall is The Beginning of Wisdom, taking a look at the book of Proverbs.

In a world that seems to be increasingly characterized by instant gratification, hot takes, and foolishness of all kinds, we want to offer students a better template for navigating life, built on the solid foundation of God and His word. 


Of course, the big question in this season is how things will look in light of COVID. We are trying to transition back towards more normal rhythms while also being thoughtful about how to do so wisely and to keep connecting with those who aren’t able to attend in person.

We will be meeting in person, but we will have a Zoom call set up during the talk and small groups for those who are unable to join in person just yet. Initially, we will be meeting outdoors with social distancing in place but no masks required. In the case of inclement weather, we will move inside to the main worship space and will don masks on entering the building.


The leaders will continue to focus on building personal connections with each student and family as we have over the summer. We’ve tried to be in touch with everyone who has been involved over the past year to stay connected and be praying for all our students. If you haven’t heard from one of the youth leaders please reach out, we may need new contact info for you!

We want to be a blessing and support to your families during this season so please let us know any way we can be of help!

We are thankful for what Zoom enabled us to do … but we cannot wait to get back together in person!