Off to a Great Start

Greetings youth and parents! I hope 2021 is going well so far for each of your families. Looking over the first half of the semester as we come into spring break this week, it has been a great year so far for student ministry at ROC! We are enjoying being able to see everybody more as we come out of this past year of isolation bit by bit.

The series so far this semester has been great, as we look at the Sermon on the Mount together. And we’re really enjoying hearing from our pastoral intern Luther Tate during the month of March!

Retreat Success

We had some awesome times this past month at the high school and middle school winter retreats! Even though I (Joel) ended up getting diagnosed with COVID the day before the HS retreat and having to back out, everyone who was able to go this year was psyched to be there after having missed out last year. And our 6th grade girls had an awesome experience at their first retreat! Just look at all these smiles and good times!

High school retreat (Camp Kulaqua)
Middle school retreat (Camp Southwind)

More to Come

We’ve got a lot more great stuff still to come this school year, make sure to check out our calendar of upcoming events and mark them down on your own calendar as well as watching for our Remind updates (sign up below) week to week as we try to keep you apprised of things as they are coming up. Notice that there is no large group meeting on March 17th because of spring break, but there will still be opportunity for fellowship in case you’re staying in town and need something fun to do!

Also make sure to save the dates now for the great stuff we have coming up this summer. We have high school camp June 11-16 and middle school camp July 12-16.

And while the date is still getting nailed down, we are planning to have VBS this year, which is always a great opportunity to serve the church and the community with the gospel, as well as a lot of fun together! So keep your ears open for details on that in the near future.

Looking forward to a great rest of this semester and the rest of 2021!

Midweek youth meeting

Remind Reminder

Make sure you never miss out on what’s happening with the ministry. Text @rocepic (for middle school) or @roc1X1 (for high school) to the number 81010 to join our Remind group and stay up to date on everything.

Also, we’re back on Instagram at @riveroaks_sm.