Fun in the Sun

The past month has been a real whirlwind but a great start to the summer! After wrapping up our Sermon on the Mount series at the end of May we had an awesome first summer fellowship on the lake at the Gregorys’ house. Then we went straight into preparation for Vacation Bible School, for which we had an excellent turnout of youth volunteers! Thanks again to all of you who made such an amazing week possible!

Summer Camps

Before VBS was even over, the high school summer camp crew headed off to TN for an awesome week at Camp Elevate. We had a great time, from singing Country Roads at the top of our lungs as we pulled into camp in the Tennessee mountains, to the fun activities like paintball and whitewater rafting, to the powerful worship and gospel-centered talks each night. And I (Joel) even survived this one-and-a-half flip off the blob with just a half-dozen bruises to show for it.

Middle School Camp is coming up July 12-16 and you do not want to miss it! If you haven’t already signed up you can find more info and sign up here … and don’t forget to contact Joel as well to let him know you’re interested. 

Summer Calendar

In addition to camps, there will be regular opportunities for fellowship throughout the summer. We already have several planned and you can find a calendar for June and July here.

We want to build the kind of community where we genuinely share life together, so there will be more spontaneous get-togethers from time to time as well so be sure you’re signed up for the ROC Student Ministry Remind texts as well so you’re never out of the loop. Text @rocepic (for middle school) or @roc1X1 (for high school) to the number 81010 to join our Remind group and stay up to date on everything.

Fellowship at the Gregorys’ house!

Upcoming Youth Sunday School

The Family Reunion Sunday school during the month of June has been such a fun and meaningful experience. It’s been great to see all ages coming together – kids, youth and adults all learning and practicing what it means to be the Family of God together. After the Family Reunion class is complete, starting on July 4th, middle and high school students will meet in the “living room” area in the community center for a 5-week series on the book of 1 John.