Finishing 2020

As tough as this year has been, it has been great to be back together since September and start to rebuild momentum. We’ve learned a lot from the book of Proverbs about how to live wisely in the fear of the LORD. We’ve also had some great times together, from our Halloween party, to running around Sanford finding the perfect vantage point to glimpse the air show, to our outing to the corn maze in Mt Dora.

We’ll be wrapping up our Proverbs series and closing out the year with our Christmas party on December 16th, then take a short break from our regular midweek meetings for the holidays until relaunching on January 13th. We are looking forward to further re-energizing community life as we continue to learn and grow together in 2021!

An amazing candy haul from our Halloween gathering

Winter Retreats

We are super excited about our Midwinter Retreats coming up in 2021! These are some of the best opportunities all year to get away together, focus on Christ, bond as a group, and get equipped to grow together for the rest of the year. Early registration is OPEN NOW for both middle and high school retreats, contact Joel to sign up.

You can go to for more info on the retreats or contact Joel with any questions.

  • High School Winter Retreat
    • Camp Kulaqua
    • January 29–31
    • Cost: $150 before Jan 7, $170 after
  • Middle School Midwinter

Shenanigans from our corn maze outing

Communication Reminder

Make sure you never miss out on what’s happening with the ministry. Text @rocepic (for middle school) or @roc1X1 (for high school) to the number 81010 to join our Remind group and stay up to date on everything.

Also, we’re back on Instagram at @riveroaks_sm.