Ten Words

The River Oak’s Women’s Ministry invites you to our next Bible Study (May 25August 10). After a great study on Ecclesiastes this winter/spring, we will turn our attention to the Ten Commandments. Are they just rules that are outdated? Have they been eliminated with the coming of Christ? Or do they offer moral guidance to Christians today? Find out more about the study below.

We will also be having a special Sunday school series on a few Sundays this summer. See details below.

Tuesday Bible Study

We will be using a book by Jen Wilkin: Ten Words to Live By (Crossway, 2021). We will meet in person in the large Sunday school classroom for a time of prayer, study, and mutual encouragement.

  • Date/time: Begins May 25 and ends August 10 (will not meet on June 8). Tuesdays from 11:00 am – 12:00 pm. Each session will cover one or two commandments, so all ladies are invited to join as their schedule permits.
  • Location: Large Sunday School classroom.
  • Study Guide: Ten Words to Live By: Delighting In and Doing What God Commands (Jen Wilkin). ROC has purchased the books and can provide one to you at church or directly. We suggest a $5 donation to help cover the costs.
  • Sign up: RSVP (by May 21) by emailing the Women’s Team or putting your name on the sign-up sheet at the Welcome Center.

Special Sunday School

We will also have a special Sunday school series for the ladies of River Oaks on selected Sundays of June, July, and August to study W. Phillip Keller’s book, A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23.  

The dates for the series are:

  • June 13 – Chapters 1-4 (Ps 23:1-2)
  • July 11 – Chapters 5-8 (Ps 23:3-4)
  • August 15 – Chapters 9-12 (Ps 23:5-6)

We will meet in the community building classroom from 10:15 to 10:45. 

A donation of $5 is suggested to help cover the cost of the book. RSVP (by June 1) by emailing the Women’s Team or putting your name on the sign-up sheet at the Welcome Center.