Like a Garage Sale…But Free!
Our annual “Swap Shop” is set for July 16, from 9:00am-12:00n in the River Oaks main building.
What is Swap Shop? It’s one of our favorite events of the summer, sponsored by our Mercy Team, where we offer truckloads of stuff for free to anyone in the community who is in need.
Yes…free! No strings attached. No awkward bait-and-switch, where you get free stuff but have to listen to a 30 minute sermonette in return. It’s simply a way we can bless the locals in Lake Mary and Sanford in a tangible way. Because we have received far more than we possibly deserve from our Lord and Savior, we want to overflow with generosity towards others.
He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things?
Romans 8:32
Want to Come?
It’s simple: just show up between 9:00am and 12:00n on July 16th, and we will have a whole staff of people who are ready and able to assist you with shopping and loading up your car. We will have clothing, kitchenware, books, toys, and so much more!
This event is also open to ROC members, who are welcome to shop during Swap Shop or during the week of July 11-15, as you drop off donations.
Want to Help?
There are several ways you can get involved with Swap Shop:
- Donate your gently used items: Swap Shop is a great opportunity for you to find a home for items that you no longer need (so long as they are in decent working order). Bring your donations to the River Oaks main building the week of July 11-15th (9:00am-4:00pm). Note: undergarments and tube televisions cannot be donated.
- Help organize: We need at least 20 volunteers to help the Mercy Team during the week of July 11-15th in order to organize donated items and set them up on the tables. You can volunteer for as long a time-slot as you can offer.
- Serve at the event itself: We also need a team of volunteers to help run the big show itself, including staffing the hospitality area (food, etc.), assisting Swap Shop shoppers, and setup/cleanup.
Sign up using the form in the Welcome Center!

Note: All leftover items will be donated to Teen Challenge and/or the Christian Sharing Center.