For Students & Parents

ROC Vacation Bible School begins Monday, June 3! Registration begins at 8:30AM. Payment is due at this time: $10 per child, $30 max per family.

On Tuesday through Friday, check-in opens at 8:45. Friday afternoon there will be a closing party with popsicles, inflatable water slides, etc, so pack a lunch and bring some lawn chairs and come on out!

This week will a fun-filled time of learning and growing together. It is a great opportunity to get to know River Oaks if you’re new to the church — and a great opportunity to reach out to the community with the love of Christ, if you are already plugged in.

For Volunteers

1. VBS Prep Week

The week before VBS there will be lots of final prep work to do in order to help everything run smoothly during the program: preparing craft materials, decoration elements, etc.

Tuesday May 28th through Friday May 31st from 9-12 and 1-4 each day, the leadership team will be at River Oaks ready to equip anyone who wants to come help with jobs to do. Youth helpers, this week is an awesome opportunity for service hours.

2. Decoration Sunday

On June 2nd, immediately following the 2nd service (about 12:15 for those of you who aren’t regular attenders of ROC), we will transform River Oaks into an internationally-themed wonderland! This is always an epic undertaking where as many hands as possible help make the work lighter so we’d love to have everyone helping out.

Pizza lunch will be provided for helpers, so RSVP below if you would like to be included in the food headcount.

3. VBS Week!

The official date/time for VBS itself is June 3-7 from 9AM-12PM. However, volunteers will need to arrive at 8AM on Monday for final details so we can start off together on the right foot before people arrive for registration at 8:30.

Throughout the rest of the week, volunteers will arrive at 8:30 and student check-in will start at 8:45.