Life Under the Sun

River Oak’s Women’s Ministry invites you to our next Bible Study (JanuaryApril). After two great studies last year on 1 and 2 Peter, we will turn our attention to the OT with a study of the book of Ecclesiastes, often a puzzling book about the seeming futility of life “under the sun.” However, it also helps Christians understand the necessity of fearing God in a fallen and frustrating world, pointing us to God’s ultimate mission to restore creation from the curse through the power of the gospel.

Here Are the Details!

We will be using a guide by Justin Holcomb: Ecclesiastes: A 12-Week Study (Know the Bible series). We will meet weekly over Zoom* for a time of prayer, study, and mutual encouragement. For those who want some face-to-face interaction, there will be the option to meet at someone’s house to join the Zoom meeting together.

  • Date/time: Begins January 20. Wednesdays from 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm. The study will run for approximately 12 weeks (see schedule below).
  • Location: Zoom (the link will be provided to those who RSVP and also posted on the ROC FB group). To find out details about the in-person gatherings, email the team.
  • Study Guide: Ecclesiastes: A 12-Week Study (Justin Holcomb). ROC has already purchased the books and can provide one to you at church or directly (if you are unable to come to church due to COVID; let us know when you RSVP). We suggest a $5 donation to help cover the costs.
  • Leaders: The Bible study meetings will be facilitated by Abbie Shimer, Deb Watson, and Kristy Van Bibber.
  • Flyer: Feel free to share this flyer with friends that you’d like to invite to the study!

Weekly Schedule

January 20Week 1: Overview
January 27Week 2: All is Vanity (1:1-11)
February 3Week 3: Wisdom, Pleasure, and Labor (1:12-2:26)
February 10Week 4: A Time for Everything (3:1-15)
February 17Winter Break Off Week
February 24Week 5: More “Vanities” (3:16-4:16)
March 3Week 6: Fear God (5:1-7)
March 10Week 7: Greed and Contentment (5:8-6:9)
March 17Seminole County Spring Break – Off Week
March 24Week 8: The Contrast of Wisdom and Golly (6:10-7:29)
March 31Week 9: In the Hand of God (8:1-9:12)
April 7Week 10: Wisdom is Better Than Folly (9:13-12:7)
April 14Week 11: Remember Your Creator (12:8-14)
April 21Week 12: Summary and Conclusion

* Many thanks to those who completed the survey to express their preference. The majority desired to meet via Zoom, though a solid minority desired in-person gatherings–hence our attempt at a hybrid solution.