Whatcha reading?

Ladies of River Oaks … Let’s read together!

You are invited to two summer book clubs, where we will gather together for a time to connect and discuss the book together.

It is super easy to participate. Simply grab the book (Amazon, Kindle, or any other bookseller of your choice) and start reading. Mark your calendar for the meeting dates (see below) and come ready to share your insights, questions, and takeaways from the book.


We will meet to discuss 

We will meet from 2-4pm at the church for both dates. Also, if you are able, please bring a sweet treat to share. Cold and hot beverages will be provided. 

Please sign up here: https://forms.office.com/r/9tKutdryKb. Feel free to reach out to Womensteam@riveroakschurch.com for any questions.