Fullness of Life in Christ

All ladies are invited to the River Oaks Church Women’s Fall Retreat on November 1-2. (You can register and pay the registration fee below!)

We will spend time together studying the epistle to the Colossians, worshiping through song, praying together in small groups, and participating in “elective” learning opportunities. There will be giveaways as well as 4 meals to foster further fellowship. Everyone, regardless of your background with the Bible, is invited to participate!


  • When: Friday – Saturday, November 1-2
  • Where: River Oaks Church
  • Who: Ladies age 18 and up
  • Cost: $35 flat fee. Pay online!
  • Register online here

Find out more details and what to expect by viewing this flyer.

Teaser trailer!

Please contact womensteam@riveroakschurch.com to inquire about scholarships. You can also sponsor another woman to attend, or you can make a donation. (See instructions at the payment link.)

You can also pay by depositing a check in the offering box and marking it “Women’s Retreat” in the memo. If you pay in this manner, please email the Women’s Team to let them know.