Guiding the Conversation

This quarter, we will focus on developing as leaders in the area of fostering God-focused and heart-oriented dialogue in our small groups. As CG leaders, our goal is not to ensure maximal amount of Bible content is firehosed on the group. Nor is our goal to host a free-flowing, directionless exchange of opinions. Rather, we want to lead our group members in applying God’s truth to their hearts. We do this best by setting an example of honesty and active listening.

This 6-minute video from Lifeway Leadership provides helpful tips on how you, as a small group leader, can fine-tune your ability to guide the conversation in your meetings.

Looking Global

Another key aspect of leading a community group is helping your group members cultivate a Christian vision that expands beyond their day-to-day (though that part of life is important).

One of the ways we do this is through matching up ROC-supported missionaries with our community groups. For 2019-2020, the missions connections are as follows:

Andries/JohnsonCesar and Grace Cubas
BougouliasDale and Carmen Phillips
Califf/PickensWarren and Yukari Griffith
Camera Lee and Sarah Wright
Duncan Julian and Christiana Russell
KnoxScott and Tiffany Kelley
Lanier Jeremy and Angel
Trigger/Brehm Rachel Halley

Find out more about what your CG can be doing to support our missionaries.


  • Be sure to encourage your CG members to partake in Take-Them-A-Meal and other mercy-related opportunities as they arise
  • Everyone is encouraged to have their community group attend the “Thankful November Night” on November 17
  • Pastor Lanier’s recent Sunday school discussing “Why Small Groups” (and their common pitfalls) can be found here, lesson 9
  • This article at Desiring God (“Let Your Dream Small Group Die“) is also very helpful for adjusting our expectations for our CGs
  • As a reminder, the vision of our CG ministry is as follows:

The Community Group ministry seeks to be a vibrant expression of the Kingdom of God through renewed relationships by caring, encouraging, edifying, and teaching one another.