Adult Ed: June-July 2024

Sunday School for the Summer This Summer we will be offering two adult Sunday school classes that help contribute to our balanced “diet” of Bible courses and theology/church history. We’re excited to have teachers with a wide range of expertise to offer the following classes for the months of June Read more…

Adult Ed: Summer 2023

Two classes to choose from! For June, July, and August, we are excited to offer (for the first time using our new building space) two adult Sunday school classes! Both will take place during the Sunday school time (10:15-10:45am), so you can take your pick. Find out the details below! Read more…

A.I. and the Church

GPT, deepfakes, and more… Books and movies have long hypothesized about dystopian future scenarios where robots take over. But only in recent months has Artificial Intelligence actually become a real thing that is all around us, seemingly overnight. From ChatGPT to Dall-E to deepfakes … and from Microsoft to OpenAI Read more…

From Here to Eternity

The Doctrine of Salvation Join our Pastoral Intern, Zach McIntosh, for a 8-part online study of the Ordo Salutis. Wait…what does that fancy term mean? It’s simply the Latin for “order of salvation,” and it captures how Scripture teaches the components of personal salvation. It runs from God’s sovereign election Read more…

Studies in Micah

Reading the Minor Prophets Afresh Micah is not a book of the Bible that many people spend a lot of time reading. In fact…you may be wondering, “Is that even in the Bible?” It is sandwiched between Jonah (which most everyone knows something about) and Nahum (even less famous than Read more…

Apologetics 101

Winter Sunday School Series “I want to talk about Jesus with my non-Christian coworker, but I don’t feel like I know the answers to all their questions.” Many of us have expressed a sentiment like this. Life is complicated. Ideas, philosophies, religions, arguments, counterarguments, hot-takes, and viral memes that go Read more…