Sunday Worship

  • We will conclude our Psalms: Anatomy of the Soul series with Psalm 34 (guest preacher: Rev. Mike Glodo, Assoc. Prof. of Pastoral Theology and Dean of Chapel at RTS-Orlando)
  • Adult Sunday school will continue studying the Gospel of Luke, discussing the question, “Why do we have four Gospels and not include apocryphal ‘Gospels’ too?”
  • Note: We will be partaking of the Lord’s Supper on August 8 this month, not this Sunday. Thus, all of our children’s ministries will be available this Sunday.

Children’s Team Training

Right after the second service on August 22nd, from 12:00n–1:30pm we will have our next Children’s Ministry Team Training and Team Building event. We will review current protocols as well was announce a few EXCITING changes to the Children’s program. We’ll be providing lunch & childcare, RSVP here so we can have a good headcount for both.

This is a great chance to hear the heart behind our ministry and get to know Jane O’Dowd (the new Director of Children’s Ministry), and Amanda Knowles (the new Children’s Ministry Associate)! Please join us! 

RSVP for the lunch/training on 8/22!

Coming Up in Church Life

Community groups ‣ Community Groups will resume in mid-/late- August
‣ We would love to have more group hosts/leaders
‣ If you’re interested, contact Greg
Want to help?‣ The Lanier CG invites you to help the Hughes family at ROC
‣ You can provide gift cards or meals as they care for their son undergoing surgery
Student ministry‣ Join us for the MS/HS Sunday school class on 1 John

Other Details