Sunday Worship

  • Two Adult Sunday school classes
    • Hebrews: Pressing Onward in Christ (in the worship center)
    • Marriage Boot Camp: Walking Together in the Lord (in the Knox/Calvin rooms)
  • We will be celebrating the Lord’s Supper together
    • As a Family Sunday, ROCK will be available in 2nd service for Pre-K only
    • The Deacons’ Offering will be collected
  • Our ROC core value for August is “An Outward Focus” (read more)

Marriage Boot Camp: Walking Together in the Lord

This 8-week series will kick off on August 4, during Sunday school (10:15-10:45 am) and take place in the Knox/Calvin rooms. This is for all (especially those who are married, engaged, or desiring marriage). This series will provide a great opportunity to share wisdom and experience about various core topics in marriage.

Coming up in church life

Children‣ Moving up and Growing in Faith on Aug. 11 during SS and ROCK
MissionsFind out about our 2 new missionaries (Newkirks & Clarke/Elaina)
‣ Interested in the Brazil mission trip? Contact Pastor Lanier for details
ROC On WedKick off, Wed, August 21, dinner 5-6pm (current menu)
‣ All studies (children, youth, women, men, community group) 6-7:30pm
Men‣ Monthly Breakfast, 9/7, Saturday, 8-9:30am; guest speaker John Montgomery
Women‣ Weekly Bible study on Acts begins 8/21 (Wed) or 8/22 (Thur)
YAF‣ Join us for axe throwing on 8/16, 7:30pm (RSVP by 8/11)

Other Details