Sunday Worship

  • Two Adult Sunday school classes continue: Hebrews: Pressing Onward in Christ (in the worship center) and Reformation 201: The Later Years (in the Knox/Calvin rooms)
  • Our ROC core value for July is “A Heart of Mercy” (read more)

Swap Shop – 7/20

Our annual Swap Shop is Saturday, 7/20 (9am-12noon). It is sponsored by our Mercy Team, where we offer truckloads of stuff for free to anyone in the community and congregation who is in need. Because we have received far more than we possibly deserve from our Lord and Savior, we want to overflow with generosity towards others.

Monday, 7/15- Friday, 7/19 (9am-4pm) accepting and organizing donations, volunteer signup.

Brazil Mission Trip Interest Meeting – 7/21

River Oaks is sending a short-term mission team to Acabo Mundo, Brazil, in November. Come to an interest meeting on July 21 (after the second service) to find out more!

Coming up in church life

Women’s Ministry ‣ Save the date for July 28 book club
MissionsFind out about our 2 new missionaries (Newkirks & Clarke/Elaina)
Young Adults‣ Pool party on Sat, July 20, from 1:00-4:00pm (find out more)
ROC On Wed‣ Kick-off, Wed, August 21, dinner 5-6pm (pizza)
‣ All studies (children, youth, women, men, community group) 6-7:30pm

Other Details