Sunday Worship

  • Two Adult Sunday school classesHebrews: Pressing Onward in Christ (in the worship center) and the last class for Reformation 201: The Later Years (in the Knox/Calvin rooms)
  • Our ROC core value for July is “A Heart of Mercy” (read more)

Women’s Summer Book Club: 7/28

You’re invited Sunday, 7/28 (2-4pm) at the church to gather together for a time to connect and discuss the book The Gospel Comes with a House Key  by Rosaria Butterfield. Also, if you are able, please bring a sweet treat to share. Cold and hot beverages will be provided. 

Please sign up here. Feel free to reach out to for any questions. 

Coming up in church life

Adult Ed‣ A new series, “Marriage Boot Camp,” kicks off on 8/4!
Children’s Ministry Moving up and Growing in Faith on Aug. 11 during SS and ROCK
MissionsFind out about our 2 new missionaries (Newkirks & Clarke/Elaina)
‣ Interested in the Brazil mission trip? Contact Pastor Lanier for details
ROC On WedKick off, Wed, August 21, dinner 5-6pm (current menu)
‣ All studies (children, youth, women, men, community group) 6-7:30pm

Other Details