* Update: March 13 *

Please view our latest update from the elders regarding our Sunday worship services and ministries. This now supercedes the weekly update posted March 12 (below).

Navigating Difficult Times

Sunday Worship

It is not ROC’s typical practice to adjust our worship service to the ever-changing tides of the world or culture, allowing headlines to determine our sermon texts and so forth. But the events unfolding at present with the coronavirus pandemic, and particularly the stunning rapidness of the global and, now, U.S. response, are doubtless leaving many of us destabilized and anxious. The leadership of ROC would like to use our worship service this Sunday to reflect on how we as Christians can respond biblically to these challenging times.

  • We will pause our Romans series, and Pastor Camera will preach on Psalm 91 as a word of comfort
  • During adult Sunday school, we will reflect on God’s word and spend time in prayer together, following the apostle’s call to “cast our anxieties” on the Lord (1 Pet 5:7)
  • We will record the full service and make it available for those who are unable to attend
  • We will continue our normal 2-service format (9am and 11am), as that will better enable everyone to exercise precautions in person-to-person contact and proximity
  • For now, all children’s ministries will operate as normal, though all families must abide by the 48-hr well-child policy
  • Given that the virus remains “alive”/activated for hours or even days on hard surfaces, particularly wet ones, we are suspending coffee service as well as children’s snacks. It would be nearly impossible to maintain proper sanitation of the equipment, cups, etc.

Other Updates (at Present)

ROC leadership is monitoring the guidance released by various national, state, and local authorities. As of Thursday afternoon (March 12), the first case was found in Seminole County (Altamonte Springs) and another in Deland. Disruptions to day-to-day life will continue for the foreseeable. The gospel of Christ remains our top priority, but we also want to act wisely to care for the flock entrusted to our care, particularly those who are most vulnerable among us—these two priorities need not be seen as competing.

First, for now we see no need to suspend our weekly worship gathering or other normal ministries that meet during the week. Keep in mind, however, that the situation is evolving daily, if not hourly.

Second, if you have recently traveled to a high-infection area in the US (e.g., Seattle or New York), Asia, or Europe, we ask you to let our pastors know. In particular, if you or someone close to you has traveled to a level 2 or level 3 country or been at risk of contacting someone who has, we ask you to exercise social distancing and/or self-quarantine. Our congregation includes a large number of men and women who are in the high-risk group for this virus (over 60 and/or underlying health conditions). While we trust in the Lord to protect his people, we do not cavalierly believe this means none of us will get sick or that we can throw caution to the wind as some act of faith. Protecting those around you is an act of Christian love.

Third, we are in discussions regarding how best to support those in our congregation who may eventually be impacted by the disease, either directly (contracting it, quarantine, etc.) or indirectly (job impacts, etc.). By God’s grace we are in a healthy position financially and seek to be a blessing to those in our flock as well as our community.

Fourth, we would like to reiterate the steps recommended by health officials, which we can all undertake to help mitigate the spread:

  • Avoid close contact with anyone exhibiting symptoms (fever, cough, etc.).
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Stay home if you exhibit symptoms.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, and throw the tissue in the trash. Wash your hands after coughing and sneezing.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces (cell phones, laptops, keyboards, etc.).
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
  • If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.

Finally, the following websites are recommended as helpful sources of information regarding what is being done locally and nationally: Seminole County Emergency Management and the Centers for Disease Control.

We strive to maintain something as close to “business-as-usual” as we can, though the world is quickly becoming anything but that. We will keep the congregation updated throughout the process.

As always, the pastors and elders are available to discuss any of your concerns.

Coming Up in Church Life

All churchMembership class on Saturday, March 28 (if you missed March 7)
Church cleanup: we will be sprucing up the church for Easter on April 4, 9am
Student ministry‣ No regularly scheduled meeting on March 18 (due to spring break)
‣ Disc golf + lunch on Wednesday, March 18 (10am-2pm)
‣ Beach day on Friday, March 20
Men’s ministry‣ The next men’s fitness group on Saturday at 7am, March 14
‣ No Wednesday night Bible study (March 18) due to spring break
Women’s ministry‣ Save the date: Spring tea, April 25, 2-4pm
‣ No Wednesday night Bible study (March 18) due to spring break
Mercy‣ We are collecting diapers (sizes: newborn, 2, 3) in March
‣ These will be donated to the Pregnancy Center of Oviedo

Other Details