Sunday Worship

  • The two Adult Sunday school classes are finishing this week: Missions (in the worship center) and Prayer (in the Knox/Calvin rooms)
  • This Memorial Day we honor the men and women who died while serving in our U.S. military
  • Our ROC core value for May “A Life of Worship” (read more)

YAF Movie Night -5/31

On Friday, May 31, 8-10:30pm Young Adult Fellowship will be meeting at the Horner’s home for Movie Night. Bring friends and whatever snacks, drinks, dessert, candy you want to eat/share! RSVP

Coming up in church life

All ChurchWeekend To Remember by Family Life (marriage seminar)
‣ June 7-9 at Caribe Royale Orlando
Women’s Ministry ‣ Save the date for our June 30 and July 28 book clubs
Youth Ministry‣ You can donate to support camp scholarships here
‣ HS summer camp; 6/3-6/8, MS summer camp; 7/8-7/12
‣ Contact Paul Fulbright for more information
Men’s Ministry‣ Men’s Monthly Breakfast, Sat, June 1, 8:00-9:30am at the church
‣ Fellowship and pancake breakfast (guest speaker: Hugh Phillips)
Mercy MinistryBaby Bottle Campaign (5/12 – 6/16) supporting the Pregnancy Centers 
Angels Of Mercy Gala: Sat, 6/8, contact the Mercy Team for free tickets

Other Details