Learning Together for Life
As we gather on Sunday for corporate worship, we also take advantage of the opportunity to continue learning with and from one another, going deeper on various topics than the normal worship service allows.
Our adult education involves a steady diet of Scripture (OT and NT), theology, church history, Christian living, and contemporary issues. We currently meet from 10:15–10:45am every Sunday morning.
Current Offering: Jan-Mar 2025
We are offering one class to kick off the new year: The World of the New Testament (follow the link to get access to the handouts and recordings).

Archives of Prior Classes

Prior classes are provided below, arranged by category. All handouts and audio can be accessed by clicking on the links.
- The World of the New Testament: A three-month study on how understanding the first-century world helps us read the Bible more faithfully
- Hebrews: Pressing Onward in Christ: A detailed study of the book of Hebrews
- Luke: That You May Have Certainty: Seasons 1, 2, 3, and 4 of our year-long study of Luke’s Gospel
- Studies in Micah: A series studying the prophetic book, chapter-by-chapter
- The One Who Was, Who Is, and Who Is to Come. A sixteen-week study on the Book of Revelation, covering how to read the book (genre, structure, etc.) and analyzing its major sections. (Additional resources)
- How Beautiful are the Feet of Those Who Bring Good News: A Study of Romans. An extended study working through the entirety of the book of Romans
- The Genesis of Jesus: Exploring the Fourfold Gospel ‘Beginnings. An advent series focused on how each Gospel presents the origins of Jesus
- Jesus’s Fan Fiction: An in-depth study of apocryphal “Gospels” and the real Jesus
- Foundations of the Faith: Exploring the basics of the Christian faith through the Apostles Creed
- A Long-Expected Jesus: A brief advent study on the OT and intertestamental expectations of Jesus.
- “As It Is Written”: An Intro to the OT in the NT: A ten-week series on how the NT engages the OT to understand the gospel, Christ, and the church. Note: this study was turned into a book
- Eschatology 101: A twelve-week series on biblical eschatology (OT and NT)
- From Here to Eternity: An eight-part series on the doctrine of salvation (“ordo salutis“)
- Apologetics 101: An eleven-week series discussing the goals and methods of apologetics, with application to key contemporary issues of defending the faith
- Does the Bible Teach that Jesus is God? A Study on the Divine Christology of the New Testament. An 8-week study examining how the OT/NT teach that Jesus is fully divine. Note: this study was turned into a book released in 2020
- You Might Be a Presbyterian If…: A seven-week study on some of the distinctive things that make ROC a specifically “presbyterian” church
- The Holy Spirit: Not a Gas, Not a Feeling, Not a Force…But a Person. A ten-week “Holy Spirit 101” study aimed at providing a comprehensive look at the work of the Holy Spirit in the individual and the church
- Covenant Theology 101: God’s Promise to Save a People. A detailed look at how the doctrine of the covenant holds together the entire biblical story from creation to consummation
- Why These Books? The Canon of Scripture. A detailed look at how we got the Bible (canon and text). Note: this study was turned into a book released in 2018
- The Church as Covenant Community. A short series about using your spiritual gifts to bless the church body (with a special focus on generational ministry among children/youth)
Church history
- Reformation 101: An introduction to the key figures and movements of the Protestant Reformation
- Reformation 201: A study of the later stages of the Protestant Reformation
- Denominational Alphabet Soup: An 8-week study of various Christian denominations and what makes them tick
Christian living
- A Heart of Humility: A three-month study on Gentle and Lowly by Dane Ortlund
- Toddler Talks with Dr. Kim Bougoulias: A practical study on raising small children
- Anchoring Our Souls: A twelve-week study on growing spiritually along three dimensions: personal, family, and church
- Missions: Biblical Foundations and Practical Application: An 8-week study on the OT/NT principles, history, and practice of global missions
- Prayer: Communing with the Lord as He Taught Us: An 8-week study on prayer using the Westminster Shorter Catechism
- Marriage Boot Camp: Walking Together with the Lord: An 8-week practical study on how to grow as a married couple
- How to Read the Bible: An 8-week series offering basic tools for reading the Bible with accuracy and confidence
Contemporary issues
- Artificial Intelligence and the Church: A four-week series introducing the capabilities and hazards of A.I. development as well as wise ways to respond as Christians
- Clay-Footed Heroes: Grappling with Complex Legacies: An eleven-week series that looks at church history from a unique angle: what do we do when our church “heroes” leave a complicated legacy?
- Gospel Distortion: Navigating a Polarized Age: A seventeen-week series on how to apply biblical wisdom to some of the most divisive topics of our age
- Seeking Clarity: The Gospel, Gender, and Sexuality. An extended series on God’s purposes for human sexuality, with discussion on the Christian engagement with same-sex attraction and LGBTQIA+
- Beyond the Headlines: Christian Engagement with Islam. A comprehensive introduction to the Muslim world: it’s history, texts, theology, and practice