Sunday Worship

Sharing Center Serve Saturday – 1/25

The Mercy Team invites you to sign up and join them for Serve Saturday on 1/25 (9am–12noon), at the Sharing Center in Longwood. This opportunity to serve our community is open to middle school age and up in the distribution center. The Sharing Center is a Christian organization that serves the hungry and the homeless.

Coming up in church life

ROC On Wed‣ Dinner (menu) from 5:00-6:00pm (pay here)
‣ Children, men, women, community group, and youth (6pm)
Women’s MinistryHosea Bible Study Wednesdays at 6pm or Thursdays at 10:30am
Fellowship Under the Stars on Friday, Feb 7 (7pm), on the church lawn
Men’s Ministry‣ Wednesday night and Saturday morning Bible studies
Artists Guild‣ “The Greenhouse,” a new ROC ministry for the arts, kicks off Jan 17
YAF‣ Bonfire and Movie night on Saturday, Jan 31 (7-10pm)
Youth Ministry‣ Camping trip on March 7-9, contact Paul Fulbright

Other Details