Sunday Worship

  • Two Adult Sunday school classes 
    • Hebrews: Pressing Onward in Christ (in the worship center)
    • Marriage Boot Camp: Walking Together in the Lord (in the Knox/Calvin rooms)
  • We will be celebrating the Lord’s Supper together
    • As a Family Sunday, ROCK will be available in 2nd service for Pre-K only
    • The Deacons’ Offering will be collected
  • Our ROC core value for September is “A Commitment to Integrity” (read more)

Men’s Monthly Breakfast

Join the Men’s Monthly Breakfast Fall kickoff on Saturday, September 7, from 8:00-9:30am at the church . Enjoy fellowship, a great pancake breakfast, and our guest speaker John Montgomery. RSVP here.

YAF Backyard Bash – September 7, 10:00am

Coming up in church life

All ChurchSpiritual Formation Weekend 2.0: 9/13-15, “Life in the Spirit”
RSVP for our vision dinner on 9/13 (5:30pm)
Fall New Members class: Saturday, 9/28, 8:30am-12:30pm
ROC On Wed‣ ROC On Wednesday, dinner 5-6pm (current menu)
‣ All studies (children, youth, women, men, community group) 6-7:30pm
Women’s MinistryFall 2024Acts weekly study Thursday at 10:30am and during ROC On
‣ Women’s Fall Retreat at ROC, 11/2-3 (Fri-Sat), sign up
Men’s Ministry‣ Wednesday night study of The Masculine Mandate with ROC On

Other Details