Sunday Worship

  • Our Aug-Sept Adult Sunday school classes will conclude with…
    • Hebrews: Pressing Onward in Christ (in the worship center)
    • Marriage Boot Camp: Walking Together in the Lord (in the Knox/Calvin rooms)

YAF Dollar Movie Night

Our Young Adults Fellowship will be doing a Dollar Movie Night at the Picture Show Theater in Altamonte Springs, October 11 (6:00pm). Join the Remind group for further details.

Coming up in church life

All Church‣ New Members Class on September 28
‣ Officer nominations are open until 10/15
ROC On Wed‣ ROC On Wednesday, dinner 5-6pm (current menu)
‣ All studies (children, youth, women, men, community group) 6-7:30pm
Women’s Ministry‣ Women’s Fall Retreat at ROC, 11/2-3 (Fri-Sat), (sign up)
Men’s Ministry‣ Monthly Breakfast, 10/5, Sat (8-9:30am), speaker: Mark Montgomery, RSVP
‣ Parking lot workday on 10/5 after the men’s breakfast
‣ Fall cookout in DeBary on 10/26 (3:00-7:00pm), RSVP
Mercy Team‣ Pregnancy Center Walk For Life (register with River Oaks Church)
‣ Sat 10/19 (8-10:30am), Secret Lake Park, Casselberry
Missions‣ Please be in prayer for our upcoming Brazil mission trip

Other Details