Sunday Worship

  • Two Adult Sunday school classes 
    • Hebrews: Pressing Onward in Christ (in the worship center)
    • Marriage Boot Camp: Walking Together in the Lord (in the Knox/Calvin rooms)
  • Our ROC core value for September is “A Commitment to Integrity” (read more)

Spiritual Formation Weekend 2.0

September 13-15, SF 2.0 “Life in the Spirit: Using Your Spiritual Gifts” will take place here at ROC.  The entire weekend will revolve around how the Holy Spirit has gifted every Christian with various gifts to use to build up the church. Find out more and register!

Coming up in church life

All ChurchFall New Members class: Saturday, 9/28, 8:30am-12:30pm
‣ New Members Luncheon, 9/29, 12:30pm at Pastor Camera’s home
‣ Officer nominations are now open until 10/15
ROC On Wed‣ ROC On Wednesday, dinner 5-6pm (current menu)
‣ All studies (children, youth, women, men, community group) 6-7:30pm
Women’s MinistryFall 2024Acts weekly study Thursday at 10:30am and during ROC On
‣ Women’s Fall Retreat at ROC, 11/2-3 (Fri-Sat), (sign up)
Men’s Ministry‣ Wednesday night study of The Masculine Mandate with ROC On
‣ Monthly Breakfast, 9/7, Sat (8-9:30am), speaker: John Montgomery, RSVP
YAF MinistryBackyard Bash, 9/7, Sat (10am-2pm), pizza and outdoor activities

Other Details